Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009



None of us like ‘em. But to be honest, most of the notes that I’ve been given over the years have been pretty good. I need advice from someone who doesn’t have a vested interest in my scripts to give me an honest opinion.

And if they don’t get what I have labored long and hard to describe, well that’s my fault, not theirs. Right?

But what if you get notes from two guys who you totally respect and they’re totally contradictory?

To quote Caddyshack, RAT FARTS!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Film Class

About a month ago I signed up for a film making class. I’ve made short films before but I thought it would be a good idea to get some formalized training and I could get my hands on some decent equipment for a change.

The first four weeks of the class were a little lackluster. We concentrated on the paperwork part of pre-production. I suppose in the big leagues, production boards and shooting schedules are important but it was pretty much like that drivers ed class in high school. Enough with the insurance requirements and stopping distances already, let me get behind the wheel.

When I signed up, I figured that we’d just take turns being actors or boom holders or camera dudes (and dudettes) or whatever. Reinforcing that idea was the script that we’ve been using to put together the aforementioned production boards, etc. The script’s a four page rough draft with a nice concept but one section seems technically very difficult to film. Hey, all rough drafts are a little, well rough. But no problem. It’s just us. Right?

Not so fast there possum boy.

All of a sudden, this is now a real production. An outside cinematographer is taking over the camera/lighting/sound duties. So much for “getting my hands on some decent equipment.” We also have a professional “art director.” Add to that, our instructor is doing the directing and has picked up some acting talent.

We’ve got Rupert to star in our little production. Not that one, the Survivor one. Not an “A” lister but around Indianapolis he’s a pretty big deal.

Today we scheduled our shooting date. This should be interesting.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Lots of people get the day off today. Banks are closed. No mail delivery. But seems like every veteran that I know is working. Something wrong with this system.

The photo above is the kind of toys I played with many years ago.

I always have mixed feelings about being a veteran on this day. I was never shot at. Never wanted to be. Is my verteraness diminished because I was smart enough and lucky enough to stay out of combat? I had a close friend who was killed in Viet Nam. His sacrifice dwarfs mine.

I just lost a couple of years of freedom and some of my hearing. If anyone ever asks, an eight inch howitzer is LOUD.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Leningrad Cowboys

Years ago at a flea market I picked up a VHS tape called Leningrad Cowboys Go America. My life has never been the same since. A no budget film but with so much goodness.

And with the help of the Red Russian Army Choir, they rock.